New Radio App

Yantzu offers fully personalized Radio

Individual Mix


The smartphone app Yantzu for the first time makes it possible to listen to a fully personalized radio program. The newly developed app brings together the individual music selection of a streaming service and likewise personalized radio content and combines them into a very personal radio mix.


Unites Music & Words


The user selects within the app his music playlist and adds the content he likes most. Yantzu mixes it to an individually tailored radio program. The music comes from streaming service Spotify. The word content is supplied, constantly updated, by radio agencies. As a first step, fully personalized radio news will be possible.

Various Offers


In the future, the app will allow the compilation of different contents by activating certain content channels, including a weather, a comedy and a documentary channel. In addition, a so-called Chatpod channel is planned, where users can upload audio posts and share them with their friends. Thus, the radio listener becomes a radio producer.

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Kommentare: 1
  • #1

    admin (Mittwoch, 13 April 2022 21:08)
